Dimensions21 x 42 cm
Pieces / m²3 pieces / m²
Pieces / Palette320
Weight / Piece (kg)~2,4
Weight / Palette (kg)~768

Always… on Top

End ridge

Shell and ridge

Four way ridge

Three way ridge


Clay tiles – roof made out of nature

Mixing earth, water, air and fire gives birth to an absolutely natural but also state-of the-art product.
The very philosophers in the Greek Classic period were the ones who transmitted to us the outcome of this combination of the basic natural elements that endow all materials with existence and longevity.

Clay roof tiles are the most successful roofing materials throughout the history of civilization around the globe as they offer buildings beauty, security, thermal comfort and energy savings for as long as thousands of years, at a very low cost.

Clay tiles are natural products of high esthetics and harmony that do not entail any harm. They shield the building against all climatic conditions and upgrade it esthetically to an unparalleled harmony with nature.
All roofing tile types manufactured by XALKIS S.A. bear the quality guarantee of the company and are designed to offer perfect functionality, great fitting and easy workmanship. Both the use of state-of-the-art technology in the field of tile and brick industry and the electronic quality control of all stages of production constitute our quality guarantee for roof tiles of absolute color homogeneity and superior esthetics.


Roofing materials should have certain essential characteristics concerning SHADING, WATER TIGHTNESS, DURABILITY and SUSTAINABILITY.
Aesthetics, easy laying and low cost are also important.

The most important of the essential characteristics of clay roof tiles is shading. This is accomplished by the thermal capacity of the clay, which, in combination with the geometrical characteristics of the roof tiles and the placement on wood beams, creates a sun radiation absorption layer. Clay has the capacity to store very large amounts of energy, which is easily released to the sky during the night.

Another essential characteristic of clay roof tiles is water tightness.
This is accomplished by the clay particles of the clay/sand mix of the basic composition of the roof tile. The geometrical characteristics which ensure a clever interlocking of the tiles are also very important. The tiles ought to be laid on a slope with the most appropriate slant so that it holds back the action of both the wind and the rain.
Proper laying of the clay roof tiles in order to secure water tightness and natural ventilation is essential to the maintenance of a long life cycle of the roof, as well as the energy savings of the building.

Roofing materials are intended to remain exposed and protect buildings from all weather conditions ranging from burning heat to frost. Clay roof tiles, as it can be witnessed on roofs of buildings around the globe, aging hundreds and thousands of years, have proven their endurance in time against all weather conditions.

By “sustainability” we mean the sensible use of resources, being human, natural and economical.
Besides bamboo trees, which are only applicable in limited tropical areas, clay is by far the most sustainable building material on earth.
It is not by chance that clay was chosen by most human civilizations as the key building material.
In XALKIS we only use 100% pure natural clay for the manufacture of our tiles, securing full recycle capability after the practically unlimited years of life cycle on the roof of a building.

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